Tuesday, May 8, 2012

HCG Diet: Day 11-13

Ok, so this weekend I was MUCH better. I didn't cheat.... as bad. I had 2 salads, and only fat free dressing on the side... so... I did pretty good. However, I don't ever drink as much water during the weekend as I do during the week. Because I didn't stick to the diet as STRICTLY as I could have, I did an apple day yesterday. So here are my results so far:

Day 11: +.1
Day 12: -.2
Day 13: -1.4

So for a 13 day total I have lost 13 lbs! I am so excitttted!

Has this been hard? Yes. Is it worth it? Totally.

Let's hope I'm down 1 more pound by end of today, to make the 14 day total 14 pounds!

Happy Tuesday ya'll!

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