Monday, April 16, 2012

Weight Loss (HCG, Herbalife, etc)

Nervous, scared, excited, pissed, tired, anxious, etc are a few of the words going through my mind right now. Oh and did I mention scared... oh yep, I did.

So, I have decided (as this is nothing new) that I REALLY need to finally start doing something about weight loss. I did start the HerbaLife diet, which is going well, but I really need a kick start. I want dramatic results. Now, granted, I'm not like.. really big, but, I am not at all the weight I want to be. Right now, I want to lose about 60-70 lbs. This is a LOT.. I know, but.. it's my dream. I've never been down to the weight I want to be, but, we will see how it goes. Maybe I should say what size I want to be, because you can still be at a higher weight and fit into a size 6 jean. Ya know?

This is my first blog so it is a bit chaotic. I have been hearing tons and tons about this "HCG" diet and I am SO intrigued. I REALLY want to do it along with the herbalife diet, and see my results. My dream goal is to be down to a very good weight by IMATS LA (June 23rd)... now.. this is only 67 days away, but I think I can do it. I need to find where I can order the drops.. I would not to injections.. but I've watched SOOOO many videos on this.. Dr. Oz, Rachael Ray, etc.

Will I do this forever? Nope... Only until I am at my desired weight. Then, its all about maintaining and eating more healthily.

Are you on a weight loss journey? What are your thoughts?


  1. Hey there! I did the HCG diet...It works and I didn't follow it as far as food 100% but I did try to stay under Or around the 500 cals. I did the drops but I foun the cream worked better. You just put it on your wrists once a day! If you really followed that and added workout you could for sure be down 40-50lbs by June-July. I got off of it and gained some back so I too am about to restart my diet! Good luck girl and keep us posted!

    1. Where did you get your HCG stuff at? I'm trying to find a reputable seller! Thanks for the info!!!

    2. I actually found a doctor here in TX. Google it and hopefully you will find one. I got my drops from a chiropractor office tho. I really liked the cream because it was one time a day! But if you can't find it the drops should work. I had to do them 3 times a day. BTW I love watching your videos! I'm also jealous you get to go to imats!! Ha

    3. Aww, thanks! You should email me! Or are you on twitter?! Message me!

  2. I am on Twitter! I'll find you and email you! That would be awesome!

  3. Hello, wanted to know if you did the hcg with herbalife? Did you get the result you were looking for. I like the shake with herbalife but like you wanted to lose it a bit faster.Some hcg companies says not to mix the 2 products together. give me your opinion. thanks

  4. Rattling work man, ready your heads last you did it.
    hcg diet

  5. The lineament of your articles and listing is large.
    best hcg drops for weight loss

  6. Not really in a weight loss journey, but I want to gain weight with Herbalife products. I'm only 43 kg 158 cm. So, I lack of nutrition. Herbalife nutritions sounds promising for me.
