Thursday, April 19, 2012

my new journey: HCG diet

i did it. i did it. i did it.

i made a decision to start the HCG diet. i contacted SO many websites/people/companies asking them questions and just making sure if it was right for me. i made a connection with a wonderful woman and i absolutely LOVE her website.

i told her about how I make videos and what not, so she said she would a month to me to try out and if I like them I can recomemnd her website to people who want to try it out. Her website has been SO helpful to me and my decision to start this. i am going to need some major motivation because i know this isn't going to be easy, but SO worth it in the end. i will try to do a weekly video/blog about my weightloss. i'm so motivated because i want to lose weight before LA IMATS, mostly because it's Cali and I want to be able to feel comfortable in shorts and what not. anyway, have any have you tried this diet?

much love to you all.

1 comment:

  1. Yup, I tried it and yup, it worked. Granted, you LITERALLY starve yourself. I only had 500 calories a day (a small apple for breakfast, a can of light soup for lunch, and 2 chicken hotdogs (lite) and veggies for dinner. It's HARD. I did, however, in 49 days lose 42 lbs. Good luck chickie!
