Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Weight Loss... again? AND "It Works"

Yep.. again.

So, I was looking back at my blog and reading about my weight loss stuff and how encouraged I was and how it makes me feel reading this now....

So let me tell you what happened after my 13th day of my HCG diet.

In a total, I lost about 30 pounds in a month. I know, right? AWESOME! After the first month, I was still losing but at a much slower pace... which I was ok with because I was still losing. Then, the end of June came around and my friend and I decided we were going to take a break and enjoy our 4th of July and then start up again after our long break... well, that never happened.

So, here we are... almost a year later, and I did gain some of it back. But, I want to say it was NOT because the diet failed me, it was because I failed myself and let food get in the way. I did NOT watch what I ate, and ate whatever I wanted without thinking about how it was going to affect me. Oddly enough, doing that diet somehow made it easier for my body to not gain weight quickly.

So, here I am on January 9th, starting the HCG/Liquid Amino Diet, again. Yep, here we go. My goal is to get down to my goal weight, or close to it by May.. and I am NOT giving up this time. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help encourage me to not give up, and please be here for me and support me. Even if there is only one person out there who might read this.. just a quick comment on here or on my twitter is encouraging beyond you can imagine.

As I did last time, I am going to check in everyday, and write how much I've lost and what I ate. I think reading back it is helpful to know.

It felt SO good to hear people say "wow you look amazing" and "what are you doing?" from people I would have never guessed I would have heard it from.

Another thing that I am doing differently this time, is that I am going to be selling It Works and doing wraps and taking their vitamins and supplements that help with hunger and tightening the skin. If you are interested in hearing more about that, stay tuned to my youtube channels because I will be talking about it there.

So thank you to ANYONE who is reading this and following along with me. I am NOT going to fail. I just won't let it happen.

Until then, my friends...



  1. YOU can and WILL do this! Take one day at a time and remember how good you will feel when you achieve your goals! xoxoxo

  2. Good luck! I'm recommitting to Weight Watchers as of Sunday as well. We can do this.

  3. I'm on it also! Where do you get your drops from again? I have a friend who is interested! Ill tell her to read your blog also! She might mention me! Good luck girl!! ~Tiffany~
