Thursday, May 3, 2012

HCG Diet: Day 7-10

If I can make it through this diet successfully, I can do anything. I just have to keep telling myself that! LOL!

So, here are my results:

Day 7: -1
Day 8: -.6
Day 9: no change :(
Day 10: -2.4

Ok, so when I woke up on Tuesday and there was no change, I decided that yesterday need to be an apple day to break my plateau. Apple day = apples for breakfast, dinner, and supper (6 max). Needless to say, I was pretty hungry when I went to bed, but hey, I did lose 2.4 pounds!

So, I took my "after" 1 week pictures last night and this morning I compared them to my befores, and I can see a difference, especially in my stomach! So that makes me REALLLLLLLY happy. However, I do have lots more to lose so this journey is no where near complete!

Thanks for sticking with me everyone, if there is anyone reading this :)



  1. Wow!! I don't really like apples and I don't know how you do it but that's amazing!! Sounds like you are doing's tough for sure but it will be worth it once you reach your goal!

  2. I'm reading, I swear. I'm glad to hear you're doing well. You're already 2 weeks in, yes? Good job!

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