Wednesday, April 25, 2012

HCG Diet: Day 2

i feel as though yesterday was a pretty successful day. here is what I ate:

breakfast: 1 apple
lunch: 3 cups raw spinach, 145 grams chicken, and 1 medium cucumber seasoned with salt and pepper
supper: 145 grams white fish and 5 or 6 sprigs of asparagus
water: 104 oz

pretty good for my first day, i'd say.

pounds lost: 2.6
pounds gained: 0

i walked on the scale this morning and when i had seen that i lost that much i was really really happy. so how did i feel yesterday? i was pretty hungry all day, not going to lie. i also went to the bathroom probably 12 times in an 8 hour span. because i drank so much water my body was flushing it all out, which is really good. today, i'm feeling pretty good! i woke up not hungry, and i've had about 1.5 cups of black coffee and an orange. so far so good, however i think that i am really going to have to get creative with my food options so i don't get too bored, ya know?

activities planned for the day: i have 2 matches of volleyball tonight, which will be 6 games

i hope you are all feeling motivated today, and here is to a happy hump day!


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