Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Glamour Doll Eyes Halloween Set #2 Swatches!

Hey dolls! I received these eye shadows in the mail from Glamour Doll Eyes to provide you all with swatches! I also posted a video so make sure you check it out!

Anyway, on to the pictures!

The set comes in this super cute black mesh bag with gold stars!

Top to Bottom; L to R: Grave Digger, Frankie, Candy Coma, Amity


 The last picture of all 4, and the picture above it of the 4 swatches are in natural lighting outside. Above you see the blurry picture, and I did that so you could see some of the sparkle!

Definitely make sure you check this set out! It comes out on October 1st at! Make sure you check out my video to get ALL the details and prices!

What do you think? Will you be checking it out? My personal fav is grave digger!

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