Friday, July 15, 2011

Review: Batiste Dry Shampoo - Blush Scent

Dry shampoo is one of my absolute favorite products of all time. Not only is it a great product to use for 2nd and 3rd day hair, but it is under (this one anyway) $10! Now that's what I call stretching your buck!
I have tried a few dry shampoos, such as Tresame, Pssssst, and a few others, and Batiste is so awesome. If you are a Sally Beauty card member you get a discount too! (you can read about that here) I've only seen the two scents of this, which is original and blush, and I adore the blush scent. I'm not a huge fan of the original, and honestly I can't even tell you what it smells like anymore just because I haven't used it for SO long! The blush isn't the most amazing scent in the world but I don't mind it at all. I do feel like the scent disappears through the day, so it isn't a showstopper for me if I can't get my hands on the blush scent, because I love batiste formulation that much. I have heard that Suave came out with a comparable dry shampoo, so maybe i'll test those waters out when I run out of my current can of batiste.

This dry shampoo is really really great at soaking up oils that are created from 2nd day or 3rd day hair. I don't like to wash my hair everyday because I have dry hair and I don't want to strip the natural oils from it. My hair doesn't get oily though until about the 3rd day. When I spray it on my hair, I spray it about 8 inches or so away (i'm so precise, i know lol) and that seems to be a good distance. I don't want to spray it too close to the scalp because it will only go in one specific spot (literally).

As for weather if it leaves a white mist in your hair, I cannot answer that as I am a blonde. I know that when I am a darker blonde it doesn't, but that doesn't mean it won't show up on black hair. So I am sorry that I cannot speak to that point.

So to sum it up:

  • Retail is $7.79
  • Original and Blush Scent
  • Great at soaking up oil from hair
  • Adds some volume
  • Great for refreshing hair
  • Sprays nicely

Overall, I really really love this product. I have bought probably 3 or 4 cans so far, and it is just so wonderful to have at anytime! 

Have you tried this? What are your thoughts? Do you have a favorite dry shampoo?

1 comment:

  1. I use the same dry shampoo and it's awesome! I love the smell and it really works for my greasy hair... :)
