Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2011=New Journey for Shannon!

I don't know if anyone will read this or what, but I am pretty much going to use this going forward as a journal + beauty related stuff... 

As you may or may not know... in January 2011 I will be starting weight watchers. Let me give you a little background to who I am...

In HS I wasn't the SMALLEST girl...but I was NOT fat. I was average. I have very muscular thighs and calves... and so they were bigger, but not fat. I was in every sport so it helped keep the weight off. I graduated HS in 2004 and I've gained a lot of weight. I never thought I would get to the point where I need to do something drastically about it... until now. 

I'm at the point where I can't even stand looking at myself or pictures of me... 

I do however LOVE to get all dolled up with makeup and do my hair because it's like a temporary "fix" that makes me feel good. I have an amazing husband who tells me ALL the time I'm beautiful and what not... The thing that bothers me is that when we started dating in 2002 I was skinnier and smaller... and now here I am. 

So, I am going to start weight watchers in the first week of January, and also will be joining a gym. My husband got a new job and so he will be working different hours than me so this will help me cope with us not seeing each other M-TH of the week. 

I really want this blog as a spot to vent. I am only telling 3 people about me starting weight watchers. Younger sister, Husband and best friend. Reason being is I want people to notice the changes on their own, and not because they know i'm on weight watchers.

I am SO anxious to start this journey and very excited, scared, and all of the above. I don't want to fail... so hopefully with your kind words and encouragement I can make it through this.

Thanks everyone!


  1. You go girl I am sure if you want to get back to a weight that make u happy it will happen, and i know where your coming from... im also on the weight watchers from the new year so i will keep a check up on your blog and comment as to how im doing.... merry christmas

  2. Hi Shannon,
    How's it going? Just read your blog entry about starting WW. That is awesome! About ten years ago I also found myself with more weight than I wanted . I gradually lost the weight through changing my diet, and later added exercise ( I love Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds DVD's!) I still watch what I eat, and aim to exercise about five hours a week . I really like strength training, yoga, pilates, and quite a variety of workouts, all from my (extensive!) collection of DVD's.
    Anyway, I just wanted to wish you the best, and hope that things are going well for you.
    I enjoy your videos and blog.
