Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 3: Favorite television program

This one is DEFINITELY hard for me because it is tied between two shows. One is no longer current and the other is.

So the first one is:

Will & Grace (no longer on air except for reruns)
I absolutely adore this show. I love the humor of it, I love the characters, and I love the actors/actresses. If you haven't seen this it is about Will (a gay NY attourney) and Grace (a straight NY interior designer) and their 2 good friends Jack (a gay NY wanna be actor) and Karen (a pill popping alcoholic who loves money).

I know if you read that you think well.. that is a very interesting set of characters. Will & Grace are best friends and go through life and its heartaches and loss of love, and during all of this there is so much humor. This show always makes any day so much better.

The 2nd favorite show is:

Law & Order: SVU (currently still running)

Can I say... obsessed?? Yes. I am. This is my FAVORITE show that is current. On Tuesdays there are always marathons on TNT, and it always fills up my DVR. :)  This show is SO wonderful and I ABSOLUTELY love the story lines!!! 

So anyway, these are my favorite shows. I cheated. 

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