Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 23: A youtube video

Well, I won't be crazy and link to one of my own videos... 

How about something funny? Alright... 

This is one of my ALL time favorite videos... it makes me laugh sooooooo hard [CATS]

Ok, this makes me tear up EVERY time I watch it... *tears up* [EAGLE]

So, I love those two videos!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I don't have a blog for myself. I just tried to set one up. But I messed up, I double clicked the continue link button, after typing in my new blog name, and stuff. And then it told me that I double clicked, so now they have to make sure it's me, so they told me to give my cell phone number so they can send me a text message, to verify that it is me. But I haven't recieved it yet. So I'm waiting on that. I was lucky to find this comment box thing, I was looking around for a place to write you a message. So...in the meantime, my youtube user name is, krista78kat! love ur vid's. I'm going to post my comment to you on youtube tomorrow, though, I have to get to bed. Bye shannnybannny! p.s. my sisters name is shannon!
