Thursday, February 25, 2010

one of those weeks....

hey lovlies...

hope you are doing well. this is a sad week for me. i dont know if i mentioned but my older sister got pregnant after trying for like 5 years. she was doing fertility treatments and couldn't get pregnant for so long. after she decided she didnt want to do the fertility things anymore, she magically got pregnant.

last tuesday she found out it was a girl. then she went in again on thursday and they said everything was good, at 18.5 weeks along.

this tuesday (23rd) my sister woke up and her water broke. she came to the ER and they told her she had an infection (no one knows from what, its unexplainable) my sister wanted to wait so that the baby could develop more in her belly before my sister had to give birth, but she couldn't. the infection would have spread to my sisters blood stream and she would have died, with the baby.

so they gave my sister medicine to force early labor. my sister gave birth to her daughter, who was stillborn. her name was Isabella Marie, and she only weighed 8 ounces.

it is a very sad moment, but i hope my sister doesnt give up on getting pregnant, but i'm almost sure she already has.

so, love the ones you have, and never take them for granted... because one day, they could be gone in a snap of a finger...

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