Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ins & Outs # 2 - 2/9/2010

Hiya lovlies!! Sorry for the lack of blogging, i've just been super busy and what not!! Hope you understand!

1. Nail Polish - I have absolutely been loving nail polish for a few months now, and it is definitely a nightly ritual to change the color! Hahaha! 

2. GOSH "darling" lipstick - I have had this for a while, but I tried it one day and I wasn't loving it so I kind of pushed it aside. The other day I was going out and I wanted a pretty nude lippie and so I grabbed this, and it has been in my purse ever since. I LOVE this. Especially with a nude type gloss or a light pink gloss!

3. Weight Loss - I just started a weight loss goal for myself today. I'm hoping this will be on the "in's" of these types of posts for a while. I hope it goes well. No this does not mean starving myself, it means eating healthy, and its not that I dont excersise, cause I do... I just need to do a helluva lot more!

4. Colored Eyeliner - I have a TON of eyeliners, and I have them in every color I swear... from pink to brown to lime green to orange. I saw one of my friends I hadn't seen in a while and she was rock'n a blue liner and that was it, with very full lashes, and I LOVED it. I realized that it is such a simple but very "chic" look and so lovely!

5. Love & Happiness - I am lucky to say that I am very happy and in love. I love my husband, family, friends, doggies and kittty cat, and just am so thankful! I'm not a rich person (money wise) but I find myself rich in so many other things. I have a good job, a house that I own, clothing on my back, food in my tummy, and people who love me. What more can you ask for? Ya know! So be thankful!!

6. Law & Order: SVU - I have always loved this show, but i'm REALLY loving it lately. I've probably seen every episode, but I just can't stop watching!!! I don't ever want this show to go away!!
7. Wet n' Wild Color Icon Palettes - These are so awesome! I picked mine up at Walgreens. They are $4.99/each, and are SO worth it!!! They have 3 shimmer and 3 matte colors in each palette. I have a review on these, and I will try to post the video tonight.

8. Maybelline Eyestudio Quads - These are another great drugstore find!! I think these are around $8/each. I used the blue/silver/black/teal one and it was GORGEOUS!!! (review on the way)

9. MAC Carbon Eyeshadow - A nice VERY black matte eyeshadow. I've always loved this eyeshadow but whenever I do a smokey eye, I'm always reaching for this lovely eyeshadow. It is a MUST in anyone's collection.


1. Cold Weather - I am so sick of cold weather... but I do love waking up and seeing fresh snow.. and who couldn't love snow days right? But.. the cold weather can DEFINITELY go!!

2. Being Overweight - I have never been super tiny skinny... but in the past few years I've really just not cared ya know? Well I just woke up one day and decided that I need to do something about it. I am not a lazy person who does nothing. I play volleyball twice a week... but I do sit at a computer for my job so I think that has something to do with it. So wish me good luck!

3. Pop/Soda - I'm so over it! I stopped yesterday and decided no more pop for me! The last time I did this, I didn't drink pop for over a year! I can do it again!!!

4. Coastal Scents Gel Liners - Ok, so I have a few of these.. and I don't know if its just mine or what, but they are TERRIBLE!! I was so upset and what not because I wanted to love these so much. They are just not very pigmented for me, and they don't go on well. *sigh* I hope that I can make them work...

5. Foundation - ... for now. I've just not wanted to wear it at all!! Mostly because I feel like I need to buy some new colors cause my face is lighter, but I just think in the winter its a bad idea to wear any foundation because it clogs pores so bad, and my skin is already super dry and what not in the winter, and I just want it to be super soft and clean.

So thats it right now. What are your ins and outs right now?


1 comment:

  1. i like this post! really interesting and cleverly organized. haha (is cleverly even a word?)
