Thursday, May 7, 2009

Review - Chi Volumizing Straightener

Hello bloggers!

So today I thought I would write a quick review on the Chi Volumizing Straightener. It is the 3/4" one.

I LOVE this straightener! It's so great.

I bought my straightener off of ebay, and got a great deal. Whenever you are looking to buy things offline, always check out a website like to find great deals. Just make sure you completely read the description of the item before you decide to start bidding and buying.

So anyway, enough of e.b.a.y :P...

This is an awesome straightener. You can curl with it, straighten your hair, and it lifts your hair and gives great body. I definitely give this 2 thumbs up. It heats really fast too, so that's nice.

I have thick hair and so when I bought it I didn't know if the 3/4" would be so great for my hair, but its great. I don't have to go over and over the same strip of hair for it to really work.

You can also get this item at which is another great site!

What do you guys think? Do you have a straightener you love?

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